I thought about going with my tennis shoes and not spend the $20.00 for the rental shoes however I’m glad I rented the shoes. I think they made a big difference and I was still pretty tired by the end of the day. Entered the river at 9:45 and turned around at 12:00. I was getting tired and I still had to return the distance I’d come in the last 2 plus hours. Got back the the river trail head at 1:30. I did learn from the hike Tanya and I did a couple of years ago and that was to bring my sandels to walk the mile back to the tram and the 1/2 from the tram to camp. As the shoes start to dry out they get smaller and start pushing your toes together and creating blisters.
Here are two pictures, I only took 135 pictures in the narrows. I didn’t want slip and get my camera wet so I kept the camera in my pack and had to stop and unpack it to take pictures. I didn’t fall all day, however I was more comfortable knowing if I did fall I wouldn’t ruin my camera.
For those of you how have not hike up the Virgin River the walls are up to 2000 feet high. If you look on the left side of the river just where the river bed meets the rock wall you can see a hiker next to the wall.
Here’s another group moving up the river. In time I’ll post more pictures on Google.
Having a great trip. Harry