While I was eating lunch the other day I noticed this on the jar of pickles I was eating.
Notice these pickles are a product of India.
Here is the front of the jar.
Farman’s pickles was started in Enumclaw, Washington. We lived in Enumclaw until I was eight years old and I can remember the smell of pickles and chlorine as we swam in Pete’s Pool. The main road at that edge of town is still called Pickle Factory Road.
Farman’s was purchased by Nalley’s of Tacoma and now it looks like several other companies after that. By the way they still taste the same as they did 60 year’s ago.
Sparks, NV – Wednesday November 8, 2017
It is a good thing we did the long drive and got here yesterday. The weather has moved in with some snow and a lot of wind in the Sierra Mountains. It looks like it will be Friday, Saturday or Sunday before the weather clears in the Sierra’s and then we get to deal with the Siskiyou’s.