Ruby Creek BLM Campground, Montana – Saturday June 22, 2024

I didn’t do much of anything today.  It was a rest day and I had planned to work on this website however Microsoft had different plans.  I don’t know if it’s my laptop/Windows or if Windows just needs a higher speed internet connection to work properly.  It actually started right up for a change (loading Windows) however it was over an hour before I could type anything into Word.  At the two hour mark I gave up.  I could type into Word but the text was printing on the screen with about a one word delay.  I should have disconnected from the internet to see if I got the same result.  If things go well today I may give that a try and/or wait until we get to Tri-Cities and try with a faster internet connection and no connection.  

I am writing this on Chrome Docs and then hopefully be able to paste this into WordPress and later. 

Writing on a Chromebook does take some getting used to, It does everything in a browser window and the touch pad is very sensitive.  My right thumb keeps touching the pad sending the curser all over the screen.  This Chromebook also has a touch screen and I have not used that feature very much. 

Think I will try covering the touchpad with post it notes to keep my thumb off of it. 

It is starting to get warmer and the mosquitos are starting to come out.  This evening I had 17 mosquitos on the window screen looking for a way in.  Everytime one of us went outside several mosquitos got into the coach.

Putting post it notes over the touchpad may solve my moving curser problem.