(I have campsite pictures, however this WordPress program will not insert them. I will add them later. )
( now I can add only one picture, another later.)
This was our first long day towing the Saturn and every thing worked fine. Even stopped once for gas. We do need to get better at picking a site and then finding a place to unhook the car. Anyway over time we’ll figure it out.
I talked about getting gas because this can be a challenge. The issue is you can not backup a tow car which is being towed with all four wheels on the ground. The motorhome and car are 54 feet long so the gas pumps need a pretty good size area around them. Pulling into a gas station you have never seen before and deciding if you will have enough room to get in and out can be a challenge. Having to unhook the car in the middle of a busy gas station will piss a lot people off. Hope I go a while before this happens to me.