Category: New Mexico
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Monday September 24, 2018
Today I got
3 to the net
3 on
and numerous strikes, had a great time for my last day on the river.
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Sunday September 23, 2018
Fished from camp waded out to the island and fished the west end and the south side.
2 strikes
2 on
2 to the net
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Saturday September 22, 2018
Nothing today, not even one strike.
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Friday September 21, 2018
You can see the BLM parking area at the end of the road just down river from the yellow line where I fished.
This is a closer view
1 strike
1 18 inch trout
These are not very good pictures but this is the largest trout I have every caught. The oval of my net is 16 inches and he was a couple of inches longer than the net. I took me a while to get him to the net, I did not want to loose him.
Saw a lot of big fish but they were just not feeding.
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Thursday September 20, 2018
This is where I fished today.
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Wednesday September 19, 2018
A.M. fishing
5 to net
2 on
Numerous strikes
P.M. fishing
3 to net
I cast so many times today I got one by the tail.
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Tuesday September 18, 2018
2 to net
numerous strikes
Tied 10 more flies tonight, I had some size 22 hooks in my collection of fly tying stuff so I decided to use the 22’s.
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Monday September 17, 2018
Did get some fishing in Monday afternoon.
I tied some flies in the evening, the fly shop said the fish are hitting on size 24 hooks so I needed to add more flies to my current collection. I purchased some size 24 hooks while in town this morning.
The yellow line in the river is where I fished today.
3 to net
8 on
12 strikes
Here are a couple of fish pictures, 8 to 10 inches.
Cottonwood Campground, Navajo Lake Dam – Sunday September 16, 2018
The goal is to do some fishing until we leave. Looks like I may be able to fish right here in the park and walk up the river from here.
Site 5 original scheduled to be here Tuesday September 11, 2018. The camp host saved our site.
Today’s drive: