Chinook Pass – Dewey Lake – Monday to Thursday August 27 – 30, 2018

A couple of years ago I thought my overnight hiking into the mountains was over and looked at my shelves of hiking/camping gear and thought about getting rid of it all.  Last Christmas Brian asked as part of my Christmas gift if I’d be interested in going hiking with him, yes.  Being in my late sixties ( I just found out that I’m in my late sixties ) I mapped out a four hiking days three night trip.  Started at Chinook Pass and went south to Dewey Lake (south end of the lake), American Lake, Dewey Lake (north end of the lake).

It was a great hike with Brian and we plan to do it again next year.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were all sunny days and Thursday morning started with thick fog.  By the time we got up the hill out of Dewey Lake the fog had lifted and we had some nice views during out hike out to the pass.

Fishing – Friday September 18, 2015

This is the last of my trout fishing for 2015.  I got these at Lake Morton this morning.  The large one weighed in at one pound.  These are amazing fish when you consider when I was a kid the fish around here were all in 7 to 8 inch range.

This weekend we are going to see Brian in his lead role as Sweeney Todd at the Renton Civic Theatre Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Monday we will leave heading south until Thanksgiving.  The first major stop will be Lake Tahoe for a weekend with Richard and Vicki and then we’ll move on toward Roswell and Carlsbad Caverns.
Stay tuned.