A.M. fishing
5 to net
2 on
Numerous strikes
P.M. fishing
3 to net
I cast so many times today I got one by the tail.
My Life and Travels
A.M. fishing
5 to net
2 on
Numerous strikes
P.M. fishing
3 to net
I cast so many times today I got one by the tail.
Tied 10 more flies tonight, I had some size 22 hooks in my collection of fly tying stuff so I decided to use the 22’s.
Did get some fishing in Monday afternoon.
I tied some flies in the evening, the fly shop said the fish are hitting on size 24 hooks so I needed to add more flies to my current collection. I purchased some size 24 hooks while in town this morning.
The yellow line in the river is where I fished today.
3 to net
8 on
12 strikes
Here are a couple of fish pictures, 8 to 10 inches.
The goal is to do some fishing until we leave. Looks like I may be able to fish right here in the park and walk up the river from here.
Site 5 original scheduled to be here Tuesday September 11, 2018. The camp host saved our site.
Today’s drive:
The weather just sucks.
Fished up by the island for a couple of hours, couple of strikes.
Rain in the afternoon.
Dinner at the RV’s
River still at 3000 cfs.
Big rain and wind storm in the afternoon, camphost said this was the largest wind storm they had seen in the 5 years they have been host here.
No fishing during the day.
Small caddis hatch this evening, had to quit fishing because of rain storm coming, got inside just in time.
Really miss Hank, this is the three month anniversary of his death.
Here is the first fish I caught at Ruby Creek.
After dinner I went fishing right out from the coach…caught a 15 inch brown on one of the flies I tied. This retirement thing is good.
The fly:
In the evening I tied up a bunch of flies like the ones the shop sold Richard.