Final day of this outing 223 miles 5 hours.
We almost had to drive around, Snoqualmie Pass had driving restriction up until just before we left Kennewick.

My Life and Travels
Final day of this outing 223 miles 5 hours.
We almost had to drive around, Snoqualmie Pass had driving restriction up until just before we left Kennewick.
This morning I went out to shovel the knee high snow drift in front of the house.
I found snow inside the garage.
The wind blow snow through the gap between the roof and the wall. We had lot of wind in the 60’s with gusts to 80. Snow fall was only a couple of inches, Brian 8 inches on Saturday and maybe a foot total today.
Benny looking for that perfect spot.
This will have several firsts:
First time to post with my new IPad keyboard the Garcia’s got me for Christmas.
First time to post using WordPress off line function. In one of the WordPress updates I read that they were adding the function of write a post offline and the posting later. I have tired several apps and none of them really worked.
I have had several motorhome projects since we got to the big house and his week I updated the front support for my fly rod storage tubes.
This was a quick design that I hoped would work. The challenge is that their is no way to connect the support to the back wall of the storage compartment without drilling a hole. I don’t like adding places for water to get in, so this is what I started with.
Running the piece of plywood across the top of the compartment solved my problem of how to keep the support on the back wall of the compartment. The support is sitting on the PVC fence post I use to store the folding ladder.
I really like this keyboard, I like typing a keyboard that has movement in the keys. The WordPress writing offline is not working so well, pictures are not attaching themselves to the post. Oh, well.
Follow-up, as soon as I turned wifi on this post published including the pictures. This may work, I’ll have to check on a few more things like publish, if the publish date is the date written or date transmitted to the web. I can always go back and change publishing date in WordPress options. This could solve the challenge of spending a day updating the blog after being without internet for extended periods of time. And I REALLY like this keyboard with backspace, delete, arrow keys, shift KEY for caps, it is full keyboard.
We will be moving south to Mariners Spring Training a few days. It looks like we will be leaving a few day later than originally planned.
These pictures were taken last Tuesday and yesterday we got an additional 6-8 inches. This is the biglyest snow storm we have had in 20 years and may continue for the next week. Oh well.
Here are some of the coach projects I have would on:
New 110 volt heating element for the refrigerator. I noticed the freeze had a layer of ice on the bottom. Started checking things and found the element was not getting hot. The circuit board looked fine so guessed that the element had burned out. The layer of ice was from me working on the coach with the 110 power off so the refrigerator was sometimes operating on gas and refreezing. I could order an element for $45.00 on-line or get it locally for $75.00. With the weather changing and us wanting to leave to go south I went with the local option. With the bad weather extending even longer than originally projected I think I went with the correct option.
Our original plan was to leave Sunday 2/10/2019 or Monday 2/11, it now may be the 22nd or 23rd after spring training starts. Oh, well – this storm extends from here all the way south to just north Redding California, not the best time to out on the road. As of today it is even snowing on the coast in Oregon and on the coast west of the Siskiyou’s.
We had tickets for the 5th Avenue production of “Rock of Ages” on today Saturday, however Christine emailed us on Monday saying the weather looked bad for the end of the week. We changed the tickets to Thursday night and we had a great time, it is fun music.
This is it for today, may go downstairs and tie some more flies.
Merry Christmas
Beavertail Hill State Park, MT
Badlands National Monument, SD
Custer State Park, SD
Mount Rushmore, SD
Deadwood, SD
Bighorn River, MT
Beaverhead River – Dillion, MT
Palisades BLM, Madison River, MT
Ruby Creek BLM, Madison River, MT
Richland, WA
Motorhome 3235 miles
Pick-up 2724
Gas prices
High – Richland, WA $3.17
Low – Gillette, WY $2.54
Rapid City, SD $ 2.54
Avg – $2.85
513 gallons
2018 travels map
Motorhome is 8875 miles
Pick-up is 3874
We will be leaving the first of September for northern New Mexico for two weeks of fishing on the San Juan River, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta almost 2 weeks, than chase the warm weather until we head for the Big House and Thanksgiving.
When Tanya was three Dad and I built her a kitchen set; stove, refrigerator, pantry along with table and benches I had. In April I sanded them and get them ready to repaint however it was to cold to get them painted. I came home for a couple of days to paint them so they would have a couple of weeks to dry and I will take them to Jack and Bryn the second week of August.
I got a lot of things done to the motor home during our time at the big house.
Coach got:
A radiator flush, all new hoses and belts, spark plugs and wires.
New brakes and rotors all around.
Fixed the furnace again, this time I replaced the burner.
Restrung the window blind over the couch.
Couch got 3 new springs on the end we set on the most.
New sink faucet.
New show faucet.
Changed out the batteries, added two 6 volt batteries for a total four 6 volt AGM batteries, 440 amp hours of storage.
New battery charger with remote panel.
Replaced the XM antenna after the slide out broke the antenna wire.
Changed the oil and filter.
Changed the transmission filter.
Changed the oil in the generator.
Made a bracket so I can put the wind sock pole the rear ladder.
Replaced the plug on the 30 amp 110 power cable.
Anyway looking forward to 85 degree weather and some sun.
Latest page is a summary list of our major RV trips since 2000. Link