Ranger Creek – Sunday August 16, 2015

Morning inside temp 51 and outside temp 43.

Hiked with Dennis to Lake Eleanor and then on to Grand Park meadow inside Mt. Rainier Natl Park.

Started at 12:30 back to trail head at 5:00 traveled 8 miles and I was tired.  Nice hike on a beautiful sunny day.
The mountain was clouded in by the time we got to Grand Park but that is what living here is all about, clouds and rain.  Mt. Rainier actually makes it’s own climate around itself.  The entire Pacific Northwest was clear yesterday except for the area around right around the mountain.
Dennis at the trail head.
Trail head map to lake.
Beautiful day in the old growth forest.
Lake Eleanor
Another Lake Eleanor.
Trail above Eleanor.
Little wild life.
First meadow
Mt. Rainier from the first meadow, by the time we got to Grand Park the mountain was clouded in.
One of the first views of Grand Park meadow.
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Ranger Creek – Saturday August 15, 2015

Morning inside temp 56 and outside temp 49.

Some blue sky and the ground is starting to dry.

Dennis and I went for a hike today.  Drove down to Camp Shephard trail head and hiked the Snoquera Falls trail about 5 miles (Fitbit distance).

My InReach did not get a good location fix at the trail head, when we got to the falls it had only posted two locations.  We were in tall large timber.  It did this once before while we were driving and when I up loaded the data the complete track was posted to the mapping program.  We will see what happens when I get home.  InReach only had the track from the falls out, not the first half of the hike.

Remember we have no internet and only Jean’s phone will get texts while setting at the passenger side window.  On the trail today when were above Camp Shephard Dennis had four bars of 3G.

I got stung by a bee, I can not remember the last time I got stung by a bee.

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Ranger Creek – Friday August 14, 2015

Morning inside temp 68 and outside temp 58, overcast – weather report calls for rain late today’s and tomorrow then back to sun on Sunday.

Started raining around 4:00 p.m. and we had a good rain until 8:30 p.m., not much rain overnight.

Roberta and Dennis got here at 1:00 and parked in the site across from us.

Watched the Seahawks first pre-season game, lost to Denver 22 to 20 with our third string quarterback.  Wilson ran the first two series and the backup QB was injured before the end of the first quarter.

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