Hank – Tuesday April 17, 2012

More signs Hank is becoming a dog.

When we first got him he was impossible to walk on a leash. The trainer we took him too recommend a harness which actually allowed him to be manageable to walk. The challenge being getting it over his head and hooked under his chest. We could get it on Hank by one of us putting food in their hand, while Hank was trying to get the food out between our fingers the other person could get the harness on and hooked. Not the easiest or safest thing to do. He was very interested in trying to take your hand off.

We quit using this harness a couple of years ago since he had gotten better at not pulling all the time. With a lot of time walking on his leash he stayed at a fairly decent level to manage. This winter I purchased one of these harness again to use while on vacation. Sometimes he goes crazy when he smells a deer or other animal.

This spring has been really cold with snow threatening most weekends, we did not get out very much and Hank didn’t get much time on a leash. He likes to walk about 4 inches beyond the length of the leash. This morning’s walk got to be a real pain with him pulling most of the time. After lunch I decided to go out and take some pictures. I got out the new harness for Hank. He let me slide it over his head and hook it under his chest. This was truly amazing. I even went the next step and he let me put a muzzle on him. He is becoming a real dog.

We got the muzzle because a couple of times Hank has gotten thorns in his paw and I have had to pull them out. The first one was fine, he had no idea about what I was doing until the thorn was pulled out. The second one was a little iffy and the third one I just let him get it out. I figured the next thorn would mean a trip to the vet. I think we are set for walks in the desert, I’ll put the muzzle in my day pack.

Big House – Sunday April 1, 2012

Spent the weekend working on the upstairs bathroom. I’m still working on Last February’s plumbing remodel. Friday evening into night and ALL day Saturday was spent putting a new floor in the bathroom. Brian, Zach and Pepper helped me move the tub and put the flooring under the tub. I have a lot of details to finish however the really big parts of the project are complete.

Here’s a link to my website with some pictures. LINK

You’ll also see pictures of the shower I put in this January.

Great fun, Thanks Brian and Zach

Home Weekend – Saturday March 25, 2012

We were at home this weekend.  Saturday we went to the 5th Avenue/at the ACT Theater to see a play. A friend of Brian’s had the lead, “First Date”, it was really funny and a joy to watch.

Sunday was spent at home working around the house. 
1) finished Jean’s Christmas bookcase
2) trimmed the four hedge things in the front yard
3) washed the roof of the motorhome

Here’s what a hedge thing is, I have never been into plant names.

Visitors – Monday March 12, 2012

We are about to be visited.
Star Ship Enterprise is about of visit Enumclaw.

This was an all Washington weekend at home.

Bottle and a half of Chateau St. Michelle Cabernet Sauvignon, Indian Wells 2010 ( Safeway has Washington wines on sale 30% off with additional 10% with six or more bottles) and a can of Cougar Gold (dated 2002).

Also worked on one of Jean’s Christmas presents, custom bookcase for her office. Oh, by the way Jean is getting old, married for 38 years this week.

Oops, 2 bottles of Chateau St. Michelle Carbernet Sauvignon, Indian Wells 2010. I think 2010 is actually better then 2008 and 2009.