Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, NM – October 5, 2018

Today was balloon crew training morning. I was out the door at 6:00 a.m. going to an elementary school 10 miles from here. We went through the process of inflating a balloon and then taking it down so it is ready for the next day. The pilot we worked with is a really really nice guy providing us with lots of how to information and answering all our questions. He did not fly today because we were on the east side of the valley and the wind was blowing east. He needed to get a sponsor banner attached to his balloon and it would be a lot easier in the school’s grass field rather than some other field where ever he was able to land.

This is a picture of his balloon trading card, I took a couple of pictures of the balloon but I am to lazy to get out the computer and download the pictures.

Back of the card.

pictures looking halfway across the park



Looking forward to a great Fiesta, Brian and Christine get here tomorrow.