Spring Trip Wrap Up and Fishing – June 15, 2016

We started our Spring travels going to Mariner’s Spring training and finished up in Yellowstone for two weeks.   We’ll leave in August for Zion and Albuquerque, New Mexico Balloon Festival.

Motor Home miles: 4864
Tow car miles: 1619  with 647 of those miles in Yellowstone
Gas: 780 gallons

Yellowstone trip fuel priced ranged from $2.22 to $2.73 306 gallons.

In the last two years we have traveled 18,159 miles in the motor home and 5,349 in our tow car.

This is the largest lowland’s lake trout I have ever caught – 17 inches, 1.5 pounds. I have this picture thanks to Jeremy and Steven who came with me on Monday.  I got a BIG fish however fishing was slow.
Here are the two fish I caught Monday June 13, 2016.
Here are the fish from today (Wednesday June 15, 2016).  When the fish are biting it’s easy, I was off the lake at 9:30.  The one on the left is 15 inches and weighed 1 1/4 pounds.