Yellowstone National Park – Wednesday June 1, 2016

This was Mammoth Hot springs area day.
On the way up to Mammoth we stopped along the road to see a bear.  Turned out to be a grizzly with two cubs.  I will spare you having to look at all the great pictures I took of this bear, 1105.
We spent several hours looking at the visitor’s center and walking around the old fort area.

This shows the sizes of Yellowstone volcanic  eruptions.  The little one on the left is the ash put out by Mt. Saint Helens in 1981 and the other three are the different Yellowstone eruptions.

One of the elk had left it’s calf by one of the buildings for safe keeping.   The park service had to post a ranger in the area to ensure one touched the calf.

This is a Great Horned Owl nest with 2 young in it.
