This is my morning walk, Fitbit says 4.2 miles.
Month: February 2019
Goodyear, AZ – Tuesday February 26, 2019
The game ended in a tie 4 to 4, we got 2 home runs and RBI in 9th.
Monday night we had dinner with Brian Larson it was great to see him however he has to return to the rain and possible snow on Thursday morning.
Goodyear, AZ – Monday February 25, 2019
But we have hopes for here, weather has been 15 to 20 degrees below normal.
The forecast is looking up
Today’s game.
Goodyear, AZ – Mariners Spring Training
Line up
Felix has a good first inning. He got a bad call by the umpire, a foul ball was called as fair and the rest of the inning was ugly. He reached his pitch count and was pulled before the end of the second inning, San Diego scored 4 runs on him.
Had a good time in the sun.
Goodyear, AZ – Friday February 22, 2019
With tarp on the mound and in the outfield things didn’t look to promising. It rained during the first inning, however we got a baseball game.
Today’s line up.
Ichiro picture taken though the NEW screen :(. The screen from behind home plate now extends out to third base.
It was cold day for Phoenix, lowest high since 1897 51 degrees.
Has a great time
Oh yeah, after the game it RAINED. We were parked twenty cars out from the main gate and by the time we got to the car we were like wet rats.
Goodyear, AZ – Wednesday February 20, 2019

Home set up for five weeks.
This winter I changed out the sun shade which hangs off the awning for afternoon shade. The first shade had to be installed into the awning tube each time we used it. The new one has a small section which installs on the tube (about 2 inches) than the rest of the shade attaches to this small piece with a zipper. This way I attach the shade by myself.
I washed the pickup here at the park and took the tow bar off the pickup. I spent quite a bit of time getting the really small rocks out of the side window tracks, we drove through a lot of road sand getting here and need to get the sand out so the windows don’t get scratched. I also need to get some WD-40 to wash out the padlocks I use on tow bars. There is some sand inside two of the locks.
Goodyear, AZ – Monday February 18, 2019

We made it to Goodyear, AZ for month of baseball. The weather is cold but that is alright. Friday is supposed to be a record low high of 51, going back to 1897. I need to unhook the water tonight (Tuesday) because tonight’s low is 30 degrees.
We’re here the sun was out today and we will enjoy what we get.
We are in the same site as the last two years, 386.
Got the new sun shade set up yesterday but it was to windy today when I took this picture to have the awning out. I’ll show it when the weather improves.
Quartzsite, AZ – Sunday February 17, 2019
Campsite pictures
Enjoying the sun.
Quite a few people here.
Redlands, CA – Saturday February 16, 2019
Long day 618 miles.
Highway CA-37 opened traveling east about 7:30 this morning so that is the way we traveled over to I-5. When we go to the rest stop north of LA where we planned to spend the night it was closed. You’d think they could have put a sign at the previous rest stop saying this one is closed, it is closed for 6 months.
Not really knowing anything about the area we continued south looking for a place to spend the night. The next rest stop we pulled in fixed dinner and were settling in for the night when I looked at the weather report. We are at the top of “The Grapevine” Lebec, CA with snow coming.
First Campsite pictures
Snow on the ridge above us
Here is the weather report.
This was not going to be a good place to stay and I was not looking forward to driving into LA at night but as they say, “It is what it is”.
This is Lebec weather report this afternoon.
And good thing we didn’t go to Bakersfield and high desert.
Today’s drive
Where we spent the night.
Travel time 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m
Ukiah, CA Fair Grounds – Friday February 15, 2019
243 long miles. The weather is wet cold which adds up to snow. I don’t mind driving the pickup in the snow but we came this way not to drive the Motorhome in snow.
Saw one car slide off the road and a van in the middle of the road on it’s side after rolling at least once. I think he most of hit a large puddle of water while going to fast.
Got to Uriah at 2:00 and decided we would be better off spending the night here rather than driving through the Bay Area during Friday evening commute and trying to find a place to spend the night in a major city. Early Saturday morning sound better.
Watched the local news and found out one of the roads I was going to take is flooded so with google maps I think I found a way to get to Vacaville to Sacramento and south on I5. With the cold, rain and wind we will not go east from Bakersfield into the high desert but go south into LA get I10 east.
The rest of the trip should see improving weather.