The above link will give you all the information about this city. They say it is the oldest continuous inhabited city in North America. It was interesting and here are a bunch of pictures.
Support for the roof
Wall leading to the church
lot of the buildings were covered with mud and straw
This is the outside wall of the cemetery, this one area is four levels deep.
Only tree in town
Where they collected water
White ladders lead to Kivas
The church, on used a couple times a year
The guide said their was no running water in the village. These actually hang over the edge of the rock face.
Looks like running water to me?
I think there were 3 sets of these.
Inside one of the house not currently being used
Looking in through a screen
Originally they used mica for windows
Visitor’s center toward village.
Visitor’s center toward village.
Visitor’s center toward village.
Visitor’s center toward village.
Looking from inside the visitor’s center toward the village