Lees Ferry, AZ – Monday September 25, 2017

Up and out at 7:00 a.m. for a morning on the river.  It was cold 46 degrees.  Heavy t-shirt, sweet shirt and long johns ( Thanks, Eric – REI Christmas gift card ).
I got one 14 inch rainbow.
Monday September 25, 2017 Colorado River – 14 Inches
Monday September 25, 2017 Colorado River – 14 Inches

This is the same fish.  Taking these pictures can be interesting.  Standing in the middle of the river, fly rod, fish in net, camera.  That’s three things and two hands.

I net the fish, get the hook out, take a picture and then use the 12 inch marking on the net frame to measure the fish.  Then it’s fish free into the river.  Nice sunny morning.