My Life and Travels
Section 111
Row N
Seats 11, 12
He had to get the mound ready.
He looks good however Felix did not have a great start. They got 4 runs in the 1st inning and he only pitched 3 innings.
We’re in there. Mariners have been running a lot this spring season.
You may want to get back to first but watch were you put that hand.
Today’s attendance.
The unhappy totals.
Mariners have one more game Friday night, however we are hitting the road tomorrow morning.
Here’s the post I put on my “Traveling Facebook Page”.
“Our month of Spring Training comes to an end today, tomorrow we head north for a couple of months. We had an amazing time of sun, heat and baseball. We are all set for next year. We have site 386 reserved for March and have the seats picked out at the stadium. Will be heading north toward Las Vegas, spend the weekend at Virgin River Campground just south of St. George, then north on 93, turn left at Twin Falls and finally right at Portland. We will be home Wednesday or Thursday.”
Our seats today.
Section 115
Row D
Seats 11, 12
Da-Ho Lee made the 40 man rooster today and he got ball signing duty.
Felix had his regular none pitching day duty of harassing the other team.
The first tine Seager goes on the field he always goes right out and stands on third base. It belongs to him and he wants everyone to understand that.
Lind got himself a new glove.
This picture is from the 19th and he had an older glove, guess he figures he had better start his position with his new team with a new glove.
Seager did not have a perfect day.
He knew when the ball left his hand he was in trouble.
Can you see the ball just outside of Lind’s reach?
Today’s attendance, really low?
But the happy totals.
Yesterday Cano got three home runs with 7 RBI’s, so today Cruz had to (edit Cano ) hit it OVER the batter’s eye for 1 of our 2 runs in the 7th. Fun game (not to HOT today).
The 113.4 is for those folks sitting out in the sun at the baseball game.
This is before the game started and people come down to the edge of the field to get autographs from anyone who will come sign things. It is interesting how many people will come down to the field level seats and sit in some else’s purchased seat in hopes the original purchaser will not show up for the game.
I think this is new catcher Brintley who came by today.
Seager stealing third base.
Today’s attendance.
The happy totals.
Only two games left and we’ll be heading north.
Here are some pictures of the moon.
Yes, I have not figured out how to get a better focus than this, I can get worse really easy.
Today’s starting line up.
Section 111
Row M
Seats 1, 2
The Navy band did the flag today.
The big guy had a good start today. I think he pitched 6 innings.
Got to have some hitting pictures, top one is Seager and lower one is Cano.
We are still stealing bases.
Today’s attendance.
The happy totals.
Section 109
Row N
Seats 8, 9
Jay Buhner was with the team last night. I think he was the only one without a hat. If he had a hat on nobody would have known it Jay, sly Jay.
Look at the expression on the home plate umpire, “You don’t think I’m going to call a strike on any of your teams pitches”.
We did not have a good evening catching the ball.
This looks like a out?
Wrong Lind would have had to catch the ball.
Looks like this is going to be another out?
Wrong again, the ball has to be at least close to the base.
Here is the score board 3 hours into the game.
It was fun watching all the hits, but is was a long game 3:45.
Tonight’s attendance.
And the final score.
I don’t remember if I included a picture of the Mariners Peoria Office.
During one of the early games we saw the LA Angels playing and the catcher had some unique knee pads. They reminded me of the water wings little kids wear on there arms when they are first going into the water.
This was the only catcher I have seen using the catcher/water wings.
This is a really good section to watch the game. I enjoyed to cool evening.
Gas prices: when we got here on March first one of the Arco stations in Peoria was selling gas for $1.39 and today it was $1.87.
Section 111
Row M
Seats 11, 12
It was another kids day.
These kids all got a signed baseball.
This young man was not sure where he was supposed to be so he ran to this point and stopped.
You see a lot of these big lenses.
The unhappy totals, not a good hot day at the ball park.
They did not post the attendance must have been around 7,000.
Today’s line up
Section 117
Row H
Seat 1, 2
Felix on his way to warm up.
Everybody wants a family photo.
The ball waiting for Felix.
Felix gets the ball for the first pitch of the game.
Pitching picture.
Got to have several of Felix. He had a pretty good outing and should be ready for opening night.
Coach had to go out and discuss a call at first base, it really looked like we lost out on several calls.
This is tonight’s attendance.
And the unhappy totals, D-Backs have the best record in Training Season Baseball.
Section 113
Row N
Seats 9, 10
Somebody was doing an interview on a DSLR camera, with cameras and phones high quality video is available to everyone these days. I read someplace about a TV station had laid off most of the station’s camera people and given all their reporters a new Iphone and told them to shoot their own video.
Again Felix was in the dugout signing balls and hats for fans.
Karns was trying hard to get the runner at first base.
And he finally got them.
It was a warm day, evening TV said 88 degrees in the shade and 418 degrees in the sun.
Today’s attendance.
And today’s happy totals.
Evening game tomorrow, Saturday.