It was quiet last night no rain dripping off the trees. The wind storm on Saturday caused 500,000 to loose power. We had some stiff breezes but that’s about all.
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My Life and Travels
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Tanya and Mike stopped by this afternoon. They have been camped on the other side of Mt. Rainier at Cougar Rock, They had significant rain the whole time they were at Cougar Rock, however with tarps and skill they still had a good time. It was amazing to see them today. They are both GREAT people.
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High today was 75 outside 86 inside.
Light rain during the late afternoon.
Hank and I got out for several walks during the day.
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High 80
Cleaned and put seal conditioner on slide seals. Did the same for all the storage doors, cleaned seal with protect-all cleaner and than put protect-all on all the seals.
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High for the day 77.
Did some metal detecting around the area today, found a key, nickle, penny and a lot of melted aluminum. Hank and I went for a couple of walks, around the airstrip and in the evening along the river trail.
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We came home today, plan is to go hiking on Thursday and to a family play on Saturday.
Here are some Google Earth pictures of Mt. Rainier’s Grand Park, the pin is where we turned around.
Mostly around camp all day, not a lot of motivation and it was a nice weather day. High was 79. Worked on blog pictures for a couple of hours.
Listened to several hours of the NPR’s TED Radio Hour.
Picture from Grand Park.
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Hiked with Dennis to Lake Eleanor and then on to Grand Park meadow inside Mt. Rainier Natl Park.
Started at 12:30 back to trail head at 5:00 traveled 8 miles and I was tired. Nice hike on a beautiful sunny day.
The mountain was clouded in by the time we got to Grand Park but that is what living here is all about, clouds and rain. Mt. Rainier actually makes it’s own climate around itself. The entire Pacific Northwest was clear yesterday except for the area around right around the mountain.
Dennis at the trail head.
Trail head map to lake.
Beautiful day in the old growth forest.
Lake Eleanor
Another Lake Eleanor.
Trail above Eleanor.
Little wild life.
First meadow
Mt. Rainier from the first meadow, by the time we got to Grand Park the mountain was clouded in.
One of the first views of Grand Park meadow.
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