Visited the last Titan II Missile installation which is 20 miles south of Tucson. This is the last installation of 54 Titan II ICBM missiles of the Cold War. These missiles could travel 6000 miles and deliver a 9 megaton war head with a launch time of 58 seconds. The war head would directly have an effect on a 17 mile radius from the landing point.
We got a one hour tour down into the site including the control room and missile launch silo.
This is one of the seven blast doors each weighing 6000 pounds which can be closed by a single hand lightly pulling on the door handle.
This is the main control panel where the watch officer sat.
Here is one of the main passages within the complex.
Here is the missile from an access point that was cut into the silo so we could see what the missile looked like inside it’s silo.
Picture from the silo.
Here we were looking done into the silo.
The launch missile site.
This is a picture of Titan II missile launched from an above ground launch site.
It was a very interest tour and we are glad we went.