Monday Hank and I hiked up to Bullion Basin. It was a beautiful day, we had a good time and were TIRED when we got back. Left about 10:30 back at 3:00.
Here is topo InReach view of the hike.
This is the satellite view.
Picture of Bullion Basin, and yes the basin is named for gold bullion. This whole valley was a gold mining area in 1890’s.
Hank asking do we have to stop NOW, I still want to smell thinks. When he’s hiking up the trail he pants to stay cool and drags his tongue in the dirt and dust someday I’ll remember to take a picture of his dirt tongue (happy Hank).
Picture of Mt. Rainier from just before the trail reaches Bullion Basin.
I have more Mt. Rainier pictures, here is three more 13, 14 & 15.
Have a great day.