(editorial comment: I’m writing this offline with MS Word and the blogger template, so we’ll see what happens. I have 4 pictures to put into the blog which are on this laptop and will need to be uploaded to wordpress. We’ll see if they upload by putting them into this document, if they don’t I’ll upload them into the workpress media folder and insert them online.) (Posting through MS Word did not work, I uploaded pictures to wordpress and cut and paste the text.)
I thought this was a nice back drop for a flag picture.
I took a bunch of flag pictures and I liked these the best.
Here is Tanya, Mike and Tanya’s little friend.
I also liked this picture.
I’m going to try and post this now in case it doesn’t work and I have to rewrite it. (didn’t work through MS Word, oh well.)
I still have pictures from out Mt. Rainier stay.
Here is 10, 11, and 12.