Camping Dog, Fort Flagler – Saturday March 26, 2011

My Life and Travels
He visited the vet today with no drugs. Vet gave him three shots, checked his teeth (by putting her fingers in his month). We had to change vets because when he was really sick a couple of months ago our previous vet refused to treat him.
Hanks been a family member for four years and is deeply loved Jean and myself. He’s a joy to have in the house and great fun to be with. As of today he’s TRULY, “Hank – the Dog”.
It has been a long week since we got home from vacation. We got home on Saturday evening about 7:00 p.m. We were unloading the motorhome when all three of the kids came by the house. We were talking in the kitchen waiting for Jean to come up from the basement. I was talking to Brian when I saw a big red mark on his collar-bone just down from his neck. I asked him what had happened and he said, “We better get Mom here so we can have a family meeting”.
The meeting was to let Jean and I know that Brian had been diagnosed as having cancer on Monday September 13. Over the last two weeks he had been through a whole battery of tests to confirm the type and stage of the cancer. They know it’s lymphoma and believe it’s at level two, just don’t know which type of non-hodgkin lymphoma.
March 12, 2011: wrote this in December and it never got published. Harry
A tree from Christmas past.
When we first got Hank he was quite a challenge. He didn’t know how to play and would try to take your hand off if you got to close to anything he might think was his. It took a long time to teach he to chase a ball and than bring it back. After a lot of work we got him to drop the ball so we could throw it again. The next step was to get him to drop it in our hand, this required a considerable amount of growling before he’d let go and drop the ball. Tonight he repeatedly let me take the ball right out of his mouth. After the 5 or 6 times he even quit growling. Hank’s almost a normal dog. !!!!!!!
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First trip of the year, Fort Flagler. Little wind and rain, Northwest camping got to love it.
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